An Alliance of Support for Kids with Cancer
For every child fighting cancer, and every parent and sibling fighting along with them, Kids Cancer Alliance offer a powerful message: You are not alone. Our programs unite families and other kids with cancer in a powerful alliance of friendship and support. Through summer camps, retreats, in-hospital programs, and financial assistance, we let kids forget about fighting cancer and focus on conquering the playground.

Thanks to donors and volunteers, Kids Cancer Alliance enhances the quality of life for children with cancer and their families and eases the burden of childhood cancer.
Events + News

Family Retreat
Enjoy a weekend of fun and relaxation with your family at this year’s Family Retreat at Great Wolf Lodge.
WKYT – Kids Cancer Alliance provides summer camp for cancer patients and their families
WDRB – Louisville-based nonprofit that helps kids fighting cancer moves to new headquarters
“A Big Shout Out to the volunteers who give a WHOLE WEEK of their time to give the kids the best time ever! Another Shout Out to the families who reluctantly let their child go for the week. NOW you know WHY it’s so important to let them go, be kids, live outside of the shadow of cancer for a week! The experience is priceless!”
– Jennifer, camper mom
“Getting to come to Kids Cancer Alliance’s camp is the absolutely only good thing about having cancer.”
– Cody, 2011 graduating camper
“I’m most impressed by how well all activities are planned for the kids. Also the staff and volunteers seem completely dedicated to bringing the most fun and joy to all the kids during camp week.”
- Anonymous Camper Parent
What can you do to help?
Help us make a difference in the lives of families fighting cancer

All of our programs are provided free of charge, so we rely 100% on donations from people like you! Your gift will provide smiles, laughter and hope to children with cancer.

Volunteering for Kids Cancer Alliance can be a life-changing experience. We have a variety of volunteer opportunities year round.